Air Quality Essay Example for Free
Air Quality Essay Example for Free
Air Quality Essay 1. Identify and describe the nature of this issue, the spatial and ecological dimension? Air quality is a measure of the amount of pollutants emitted into the atmosphere and the dispersion potential of an area to dilute those pollutants. It is a massive problem of urban living and remains one of the largest environmental concerns. Spatial dimension relates to how air quality differs between places at different times and under different weather patterns. Increasing population and demand for more goods puts greater pressure on air quality. The human population’s interaction with the environment relates to the ecological dimension. In terms of air quality this relates to the impacts of increased gases and particles associated with transportation, industrial activities, smoking, dust storms from over grazing on marginal land, bush fires and the burning fossil fuels. Many of these activities cause increases in carbon monoxide, ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, lead and particles in the atmosphere. People get health problems due to these increases.